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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Journal #1

This week I have been reading the book An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.

Now, I know that many people either love or hate John Green novels (there is no middle), but I don't judge a book by their author's "reputation". I have read one of his books before (The Fault In Our Stars) and found it to be very emotional and descriptive, especially in his character's thoughts. He uses a sophisticated language, but in a way that everyone can understand. And based on what I have read of this book, it seems like his writing is consistent (but not in a boring, repetitive way).

Of the two books of his that I have read, they have nothing similar in the plot or character types, but at the same time, you can tell they were written by the same person. You can tell through his word-perfect writing, the emotion he feels for his characters and the deep insight he gives you to understand their frame of mind, that he loves his work.

I personally think that when he does write a novel, he doesn't think of it as stressful or hard work, he genuinely wants to create something that people can connect to. If any writer doesn't feel wholeheartedly that his work is good, it wont be, because authors can't help but put what they are feeling into their work.

As John Green's novels show, he pours his heart and soul into his work.

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