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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Safe Spaces

I think that if you are a college student you should not have the need for "safe spaces". It sound like something a kindergarten teacher says to a child when they have a tantrum..."Go to your safe space, and clam down..." College students are supposed to already come in with the mind set of being able to engage in an intellectual conversation without getting offended  by the sensitivity of the subject. There are things in this world that are not always easy to talk about, but non the less need to be discussed. Those people that are too sensitive or touchy about certain topics either one: get over themselves and act like an adult, or two: remove themselves from the discussion and be prepared not to be as educated as their peers in some instances.

Yes, those students who have personally endured race and sex crimes might have difficulty facing it head on in class, but that is when you exercise your right to skip class, or walk out of class. Don't try to get special treatment, you don't need it.

Like Williams says, "At the very least, it requires the courage to be uncomfortable and the imagination to see ourselves as strong."

See yourself as strong, and you will get through it. You signed up for college and that entails acting like a semi-adult who engages in adult conversations. Sooner or later you need to get used to that. Life doesn't give you special treatment so why should your college (who is supposed to prepare your for real life).

Monday, April 4, 2016

Free Blog 4 (senior year)

It is now April and senior year is almost over. Looking back I'd like to give some advice to the freshman year me.

Dear, Freshman self,
Given the chance to change my life starting four years ago, I wouldn't change much. The experiences and friendships that you have created have shaped you to be the person I am today. I love the person I am today, but me and you are not the same. I think if you act like me you will have much better 4 years and you will have a lot less to worry about.
First and foremost, remember to be you. Let your freak flag fly! Haha!:) Don't worry about other people's opinions about what you do, they don't matter. If you want to dance around in the store with friends, you go for it. Do what makes you happy and don't care about anyone else. Your true friends will accept you for you.
Put yourself out there more. Get to know new people! Don't be afraid to expand your relationships. Get out of your bubble and explore the people around you.
Also, keep up your work ethic. It is so easy to slack off when you think you've got a handle on the situation. Never underestimate your knowledge of CHEMISTRY!!!!
And lastly, make sure that you make every moment here in high school count. Go out more often with your friends, don't worry about the little things. Before you know it, you will be off to college and saying goodbye to your friend who you've know for 4 plus years. Saying goodbye will be the hardest thing to do, so make those friendships last as long as possible.
Future You!:)

But, seriously; these four years have been great and I will remember every single moment of them. Especially the people!:)

Thursday, March 10, 2016


The movie Pleasantville was an eye opening film. It made me realize how set in our ways most people are. We have to understand that it is okay to change; not only the way we act, but how we feel about certain things. Imagine how this world would be like if no one change their mind about slavery; I'll tell you this much, it would be a worse world than it already is.
Not only is this movie about change but it is also about coming to the realization that the we take everything for granted. We take, emotions, free will, even color all for granted. Not everything is better off in simpler terms. As Janet Maslin says in response to the teachers getting apples in the black and white world, "One thing we did know eventually: those apples had worms." She hit the nail right on the head...that world was WAY too good to be true. No one thought for themselves and therefore no one was really living.
In addition to the movie using color to identify the changes as an eye grabbing trick, they alluded to multiple historical events, like Maslin writes, "newly enlightened characters have been labeled 'coloreds' and have stirred up a conservative backlash". This connects back to the civil rights movement. There were also other allusions in the film to the holocaust and the book burnings that went on in that time.
this movie has so many connections to our life now and to our history. I think that this was a wonderful and educational film.

Monday, February 29, 2016

That New Year's Morning Hangover- Donald Trump

We all know the story of the lonely girl on New Year’s Eve just getting over a fresh break up and needing one night of fun. The excitement of a new year, a fresh start, the drinking, the naïve hopes, more drinking, the fun and spontaneity, and eventually… the beer goggles! This all culminates to one big night to regret when you wake up and realize that the 10 you thought he was when you left the party is actually a solid 2 laying next to you in the morning.
Sadly, this warning story did not prevent the GOP from doing just that. They woke up in the New Year, realizing what they did and knew that they could not undo it. What was done is done; but the difference being a girl can run away, endure the walk of shame and never encounter that dreadful 2 again, but in our case, that 2 has taken over America with his overzealous and frankly idiotic political views.
Donald Trump is the 2 that continues to stalk your life after what he considers, “a night he could never forget” meanwhile you were so black out drunk you don’t remember a thing. No matter how hard you try to get rid of him, he has now become your new shadow; one this country cannot escape.
This political cartoon is unfortunately the most accurate metaphorical depiction of how Donald Trump became a contender in this year’s Presidential Election. The GOP needed a drastic night of rebellion after the recent break-up of the on-again-off-again relationship with the Democratic Party. This resulted in Donald Trump, the one-night-stand that you wish never happened. The GOP thought they needed a new, “hip” business man for the job of Presidency, but what they didn’t know was that Trump, a man who doesn’t think before he speaks, will end up either running this country into the ground, or starting World War III.
I completely agree with this political cartoon. Not only does it tell the awful truth, but it does so in a hilarious way that people will understand. This cartoon uses only one line, “That New Year’s Morning Hangover”, which most Americans can relate to. This makes this cartoon easily understood by the majority of not only millennials, but the rest of the population as well. A large amount of pathos, a quality that evokes pity or sadness, is being used in this cartoon. We all get the simple message about that one mistake and the piercing headache that follows suit.

Donald Trump intensifies our hangover every time he opens his mouth and says something racist, sexist, or fascist. Every time he calls someone a loser, or threatens to build that god-awful wall, he makes us remember that one mistake that brought all of this upon us; that one night will forever haunt us, and we can thank the GOP for that one.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Editorial (Othello)

In the article written by Steve Lewis, titled OJ Simpson, the Othello of Our Times, he compares the unconfirmed acts of OJ killing his wife for loving her "too much" and the confirmed acts of Othello killing Desdemona for loving her "not wisely, but too well".

I completely agree the the similarities of the Shakespearean play and the real life crimes of OJ Simpson are not only coincidental but eerie. Mr. Lewis, is correct in saying that it is unfair for people to concentrate only on one side of the story, "weeping for the tragic hero lying dead on the stage- not for Desdemona". The fact that people acted the same way the audience did, 400 years later is outrageous. It was not Iago's fault, and Desdemona wasn't just a supporting character, she was a victim.

We have to stop thinking of real life as if it was a TV show, movie, or a play. These are real live people getting beaten, injured, or killed. And we also have to get the idea out of our head that only women can be the victim; there are plenty of men that are abused and/or killed. This is a problem in society today; the fact that no one wants to see the guilty party as actually being 100% at fault.

There have been so many stories in the news lately about how girls are being raped and the rapist gets off scott free because of a "technicality". NO! That person is guilty, that person is completely at fault.

Anyone who claims that their actions are not their own and were influenced by others are either lying or are severely gullible to the point of retardation. YOU made that decision to kill your wife! YOU ALONE! Yes, Iago prompted your anger and confusion, but there were other paths to take; like logic and reason, or even a civil conversation, or at worst a divorce/separation. But, murder was not the next step to take. Othello was wrong in this situation, and so was OJ Simpson.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


All of the points that Foster makes about Othello are valid, but in my opinion, I can not see him as anything other than "stupid beyond redemption". Yes, he was manipulated, yes he was extremely emotional. But, come on, this play was outrageously dramatic to the point where it was not believable.

Othello was so stupid that he believed whatever Iago told him; he never thought for himself logically or used common sense. He was driven by an overload of emotions that his though process was so severely impaired that he became stupid to the point where he murdered the love of his life.

In fact this is beyond idiotic, he could be considered mentally impaired! I just can not believe anything in this play. It was all so fake that I could not take the story line seriously.

I firmly believe that this might be one of Shakespeare's worst plays ever.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Free Blog 3 (senior year)

It's another new year! It's another new book!

I have made a resolution of sorts, one that I hope I will be able to follow through on. My resolution is as follows; I will promise to read and finish at least one book a month.

This past year I have been a severe slacker. I have barely been reading and I am slowly being swallowed whole by all of the books I have piled in my room waiting to be read.

I have given myself a goal I hope that I can accomplish. A couple years ago, I would've been reading 3 times that much, but I have let my brain go. I need to get it and myself back on track.

This is it! One book a month. I can do this! I can get back to the avid reader I once was!

Free Blog 2 (senior year)

The amount of books in the world is so overwhelming! The amount of books in the book store is insane! Yet, being surrounded by all of those books is so calming; you can almost feel the knowledge seeping into your brain when you are sitting in a library or book store, as if osmosis is occurring with the words on the page and your mind (if only). It is a beautiful thing to experience.

To be in  Barnes and Nobles with a coffee from Starbucks, sitting in those big comfy chairs in the back of the store; it is a feeling you can't describe. The warmth, the peace and quiet, it is wonderful! Almost like a sort of meditation!

So many books surrounding you, waiting to be read. It is a lot of pressure, but yet so inviting at the same time. I can't wait to go back, If there is an afterlife, that is where I want to be!