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Friday, February 20, 2015

Journal #17

The book 1984 makes you wonder because all of the stuff Orwell says in his novel is true; if it wasn't then we would not be talking about it in the context that we do. For a TV show to be named using the creative context of "Big Brother" and for us to have to read it in school means that this book has relevance to today in some way, shape, or form.

This quote above talks about the government intervening and changing the past to fit the needs of the future. But, it begs the question, is it true today?

I know that when we recall history (being the past) every country has its own personal account of wars or revolutions or whatever it may be. The expression, "There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth.", is very relevant to this discussion. Whoever decides what side of the story to tell will influence everyone that hears it. Future generations will make up their mind on how to interpret what was said to them and they will make choices based off of that knowledge.

This is what the 1984 society aims to do; control the decisions of the public by feeding them lies about the stories of the past.

In other words: BRAINWASHING.

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