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Monday, February 9, 2015

Free Blog 5

Reading multiple books at a single time is both a gift and a curse.

On one hand, you get so many stories at once. You bring a different book to any different place you go; you will never be alone :) The stories are so intriguing you just can't stop, but when you do end up switching, you can experience a whole new different set of emotions in a matter of minutes because the story lines are completely different.

But, on the other hand, you get sooo many stories at once. They all end up blending together even when you try to keep them separate. You end up bringing so many books with you wherever you go; you are NEVER alone! The stories are so intriguing that you just don't want to stop, but then you need to because you have to find out what happens in the other books because your mind can't stop racing a mile a minute. Then, when you switch, you experience a whole different set of emotions, it is like a sneak peek into the life of someone who is bi-polar! The story lines are completely different, yet you want to keep reading them all at once, but you are only human.

Books are like any other craving in the world; too much of a good thing, won't be good for long. As they say, "Too much darkness can kill, but too much light can blind." You must find a happy medium.

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