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Monday, February 29, 2016

That New Year's Morning Hangover- Donald Trump

We all know the story of the lonely girl on New Year’s Eve just getting over a fresh break up and needing one night of fun. The excitement of a new year, a fresh start, the drinking, the naïve hopes, more drinking, the fun and spontaneity, and eventually… the beer goggles! This all culminates to one big night to regret when you wake up and realize that the 10 you thought he was when you left the party is actually a solid 2 laying next to you in the morning.
Sadly, this warning story did not prevent the GOP from doing just that. They woke up in the New Year, realizing what they did and knew that they could not undo it. What was done is done; but the difference being a girl can run away, endure the walk of shame and never encounter that dreadful 2 again, but in our case, that 2 has taken over America with his overzealous and frankly idiotic political views.
Donald Trump is the 2 that continues to stalk your life after what he considers, “a night he could never forget” meanwhile you were so black out drunk you don’t remember a thing. No matter how hard you try to get rid of him, he has now become your new shadow; one this country cannot escape.
This political cartoon is unfortunately the most accurate metaphorical depiction of how Donald Trump became a contender in this year’s Presidential Election. The GOP needed a drastic night of rebellion after the recent break-up of the on-again-off-again relationship with the Democratic Party. This resulted in Donald Trump, the one-night-stand that you wish never happened. The GOP thought they needed a new, “hip” business man for the job of Presidency, but what they didn’t know was that Trump, a man who doesn’t think before he speaks, will end up either running this country into the ground, or starting World War III.
I completely agree with this political cartoon. Not only does it tell the awful truth, but it does so in a hilarious way that people will understand. This cartoon uses only one line, “That New Year’s Morning Hangover”, which most Americans can relate to. This makes this cartoon easily understood by the majority of not only millennials, but the rest of the population as well. A large amount of pathos, a quality that evokes pity or sadness, is being used in this cartoon. We all get the simple message about that one mistake and the piercing headache that follows suit.

Donald Trump intensifies our hangover every time he opens his mouth and says something racist, sexist, or fascist. Every time he calls someone a loser, or threatens to build that god-awful wall, he makes us remember that one mistake that brought all of this upon us; that one night will forever haunt us, and we can thank the GOP for that one.

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