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Monday, February 8, 2016

Editorial (Othello)

In the article written by Steve Lewis, titled OJ Simpson, the Othello of Our Times, he compares the unconfirmed acts of OJ killing his wife for loving her "too much" and the confirmed acts of Othello killing Desdemona for loving her "not wisely, but too well".

I completely agree the the similarities of the Shakespearean play and the real life crimes of OJ Simpson are not only coincidental but eerie. Mr. Lewis, is correct in saying that it is unfair for people to concentrate only on one side of the story, "weeping for the tragic hero lying dead on the stage- not for Desdemona". The fact that people acted the same way the audience did, 400 years later is outrageous. It was not Iago's fault, and Desdemona wasn't just a supporting character, she was a victim.

We have to stop thinking of real life as if it was a TV show, movie, or a play. These are real live people getting beaten, injured, or killed. And we also have to get the idea out of our head that only women can be the victim; there are plenty of men that are abused and/or killed. This is a problem in society today; the fact that no one wants to see the guilty party as actually being 100% at fault.

There have been so many stories in the news lately about how girls are being raped and the rapist gets off scott free because of a "technicality". NO! That person is guilty, that person is completely at fault.

Anyone who claims that their actions are not their own and were influenced by others are either lying or are severely gullible to the point of retardation. YOU made that decision to kill your wife! YOU ALONE! Yes, Iago prompted your anger and confusion, but there were other paths to take; like logic and reason, or even a civil conversation, or at worst a divorce/separation. But, murder was not the next step to take. Othello was wrong in this situation, and so was OJ Simpson.

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