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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Journal #9

Like I said, the book Every Day, is full of philosophical questions. But, this quote above, is more about A's personal struggle with what/who he is. As I said before, A wakes up in a different body every day. Never to have his own friends, his own family, his own life. This can be a very lonely life. To never be tied down to anyone or anything. That is probably one of the reasons he feels love so strongly, because he so desperately wants someone to show him that same love.

To be invisible is one thing. It comes with A's territory. He blends in, lives on the down low for a day in whoever's body he is in. He is quiet so no one hears him. But when he does input himself into the life he has taken over for a day and no one notices that anything is different, that everyone thinks it is all fine and normal, it is like screaming at the top of your lungs and still not being heard. Being invisible is far easier than being seen and ignored. At least when you're invisible you have an excuse for why people don't notice you.

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