In the story, Rain talks to the woman who raised her and asks her, "Isn't every Queen cruel?". Her response is, "The weak are cruel, the strong have no need to be." This quote stuck with me throughout the rest of the novel. It is a motif of Rain's life. Later in the novel, when things get tough and complicated, she does not automatically resort to violence. Being strong is not just being physically strong, it is being able to be a leader that people will follow, it is knowing when to fight and when not to, it is being able to take charge when need be, it is being courageous, it is knowing love is more powerful that hatred. Rain is strong.
Even though the Amazon Warriors are extreme in their ways compared to society today, you can take a lot of the advice given in this book and it will still apply to life now. That is what I liked about reading this story. It will make you think about who you are and who you can become all based on the choices you make.
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