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Tuesday, September 15, 2015


This year's summer reading is Unbroken by: Laura Hillenbrand.

Last year I had tried to read the young adult version of this book and I had written 2 blogs on it (blogs titled...Journal #13 and Journal #14) explaining how the book was not for me, and the fact that it did not compare to the movie (which is rare for books). If you would like further information on the subject the links to my previous posts are above.

I would just like to say, that over the summer, I bought the adult version of the book thinking that it would be different (since it has 208 more pages than the young adult version). But I was mistaken; the language was more precise and formal which I liked and the imagery was better written, but the subject matter was even more boring!

Personally, I think that the story is so inspirational and the movie was amazing, but the way that the book goes on and on about the way that the planes are built makes me feel like I am stuck in "mental quick sand". I could not move on. I love reading, don't get me wrong, but the one genre I hate reading is anything historical (whether it is biography or fiction based, anything historical puts me to sleep). Reading this was so bad, I didn't even get to the climax of the story; 90 pages and I was out (coincidentally the same amount of pages I got to in the young adult version).

I will not be reading this book during reading workshop this year (given that I have tried twice already, I think that I have given enough effort into a book I don't like).

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